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Claim / Claim Conditions

Functionality available for contracts that implement the IDropSinglePhase or IDropSinglePhase_V1 interfaces.

Enables wallets to claim (mint) tokens from the contract under specific conditions.


Claim a specified number of tokens to the connected wallet.

var data = await contract.ERC20.Claim("{{amount}}");

amount (required)

The amount of tokens to claim.

Must be a string.


The same as claim, but allows specifying the recipient address rather than using the connected wallet.

var data = await contract.ERC20.ClaimTo("{{wallet_address}}", "{{amount}}");

recipient (required)

The wallet address to receive the claimed tokens.

Must be a string.

amount (required)

The amount of tokens to claim.

Must be a string.


Check if tokens are currently available for claiming, optionally specifying if a specific wallet address can claim.

var data = await contract.ERC20.claimConditions.CanClaim("{{quantity}}", "{{wallet_address}}");

quantity (required)

The amount of tokens to claim.

This checks to see if the specified amount of tokens are available for claiming. i.e.:

  • There is sufficient quantity available for claiming.
  • This amount of tokens can be claimed in a single transaction.

Must be a string.

addressToCheck (optional)

The wallet address to check if it can claim tokens.

This considers all aspects of the active claim phase, including allowlists, previous claims, etc.

Must be a string.

Return Value

Returns a bool indicating if the specified amount of tokens can be claimed or not.



Retrieve the currently active claim phase, if any.

var data = await contract.ERC20.claimConditions.GetActive();

Return Value

If a claim condition is active, returns a ClaimConditions struct containing the following properties:

string availableSupply;
string currentMintSupply;
CurrencyValue currencyMetadata;
string currencyAddress;
string maxClaimableSupply;
string maxClaimablePerWallet;
string waitInSeconds;


Get an array of reasons why a specific wallet address is not eligible to claim tokens, if any.


quantity (required)

The amount of tokens to check if the wallet address can claim.

Must be a string or number.

addressToCheck (optional)

The wallet address to check if it can claim tokens.

Must be a string.

Return Value

Returns an array of ClaimEligibility strings, which may be empty.

If the user is eligible to claim tokens, the method will return an empty array.


// Options:
NotEnoughSupply = "There is not enough supply to claim.",
AddressNotAllowed = "This address is not on the allowlist.",
WaitBeforeNextClaimTransaction = "Not enough time since last claim transaction. Please wait.",
AlreadyClaimed = "You have already claimed the token.",
NotEnoughTokens = "There are not enough tokens in the wallet to pay for the claim.",
NoActiveClaimPhase = "There is no active claim phase at the moment. Please check back in later.",
NoClaimConditionSet = "There is no claim condition set.",
NoWallet = "No wallet connected.",
Unknown = "No claim conditions found.",


Returns allowlist information and merkle proofs for a given wallet address.

var data = await contract.ERC20.claimConditions.GetClaimerProofs("{{wallet_address}}");

walletAddress (required)

The wallet address to get the merkle proofs for.

Must be a string.

Return Value
